Foreign Film Series from February 13th to April 17th
Friday, February 13th:
Cocalero (US/Bolivia, 2006), Dir.: Alejandro Landes.
Presented by Dr. Karina Vázquez (EFLJ)
Hearnes 102
Wednesday, February 25th:
Offside (Iran, 2006), Dir.: Jafar Panahi
Presented by Dr. Eduardo Castilla-Ortíz (EFLJ)
Kemper Recital Hall
Monday, March 2nd:
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (France, 2007), Dir: Jean-Dominique Bauby. Presented by Dr. Susan Hennessy (EFLJ)
Hearnes 102
Friday, March 20th:
Enlightenment Guaranteed (Germany 2001), Dir.: Doris Dörrie.
Presented by. Courtney Kneupper (Northwestern
Hearnes 102
Friday, March 27th:
The Road Home (China, 2000), Dir. Yimou Zhang
Presented by Dr. Tingxiu Wang (Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics)
Hearnes 102
All sessions will start at 6:30 PM