Welcome to the Department of English & Modern Languages at Missouri Western State University.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Dr. Bausset-Page Publishes Essay
Dr. Ana Bausset-Page has published her essay "La mujer en busca de su inmortalidad en algunas obras de Marcela del Río y Victoria Ocampo" in the journal ALBA DE AMERICA (volume 32).
Congratulations on your accomplishment, Ana!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
"Rappelle-toi Prévert" Performed on Campus
With the support
of the Foundation and the Alliance Francaise de Saint Joseph, Professor Susie Hennessy
coordinated and hosted the evening performance of the French theater "Troupe
Nerman" for the show "Rappelle-toi Prévert." The actors interpreted the poetry
of poet Jacques Prévert in French.
Bergland and Students Present Research
Professor Robert Bergland and students Heather Heater, Dave Hon and Andy Inman presented "Multimedia and Interactive Features of College Newspaper Websites: A 2012 Study" at the National College MediaMedia Convention in Chicago Nov. 2.
Dr. Bergland, editor of College Media Review, led a session on getting published in the journal and was on a panel, "Conducting Research on College Media" at the convention.
A Prairie Lands Writing Project Update
Pankiewicz, Prairie Lands Writing Project director, co-directors Christie
Leigan and Heidi Mick, teacher consultants Mark Henderson, Valorie Stokes, Terri
McAvoy and Michele Irby, and Pershing Elementary School lead teacher Joy Bettis
attended the National Writing Project Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, November
Swain, National Writing Project Senior Research Associate and Prairie Lands
Writing Project’s Thinking Partner for the SEED 2 Elementary Grant, visited
PLWP and Pershing Elementary School, November 6-8. Swain consulted with the
PLWP Leadership Team—Christie Leigan, co-director, Terri McAvoy, PD
facilitator, and Tom Pankiewicz, director—about the direction and progress of
our work, observed a day of professional development activities at Pershing, and
met with the PLWP/Pershing Planning Team to share her impressions of the work
as well as offer suggestions.
November 16, Christie Leigan, Terri McAvoy, Joy Bettis, and Tom Pankiewicz,
participated in a day-long workshop for the fourteen National Writing Project
sites taking part in the SEED Grant for high-need elementary schools. At the
workshop held at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, each site shared its work
and discussed problems it faces in delivering professional development. We
discussed solutions to problems, reviewed our common agreements and had time to
plan for upcoming PD days. The meeting allowed our team time to examine our
work and progress at Pershing.
Lands Online Learning Experience developers—Valorie Stokes, Library Media
Specialist at Platte County High School; Heidi Mick, Platte County High School
Communication Arts instructor; Michele Irby, Lathrop High School mathematics
instructor, and Tom Pankiewicz, PLWP director—led a roundtable discussion
highlighting PLWP’s work in building an online course in Content Area Literacy
for the National Writing Project. We
shared the current state of the module development, presented our spring 2013
semester plan for testing of the modules with participants from last year’s
Vital Work institute, and fielded questions about our concept.
Missouri Writing Project Network also met Las Vegas to discuss the Department
of Elementary and Secondary Education contract which includes holding Content
Area Literacy Workshops and completing a video project for DESE. Tom
Pankiewicz, director, Valorie Stokes and Heidi Mick represented Prairie Lands
at this meeting.
Lands Writing Project leaders Heidi Mick, Valorie Stokes and Tom Pankiewicz
attended an i3 Grant meeting at the National Annual Meeting in Las Vegas. NWP learned of its nearly 15 million dollar
award from the Department of Education the week before the Annual Meeting. The ten sites whose work was included in the
grant proposal met to discuss next steps in planning our work with high need,
rural school districts. PLWP has three pairs of schools with which to work over
the next three years.
Stone Dockery, Missouri Western English adjunct, presented a poetry workshop
for writers in grades 7-12 at Going for
the Gold: 2013 Scholastic Writing Contest on Wednesday, November 28. In
addition to reading and discussing the qualities of an award-winning entry,
Dockery offered several opportunities for the middle school and high school
students and their teachers to write. The workshop ended with a series of small
group reading sessions where student writers work-shopped pieces with several
teachers. In October, Dr. Bill Church, English and creative writing professor,
presented a similar workshop on writing fiction. He also served as a small
group leader on November 28th.
Tom Pankiewicz, Missouri Writing Region co-ordinator, Amanda Moyers, associate
co-ordinator and Central High School communication arts teacher, and Eric
Williams, English Education major and PLWP student aide, planned the
Sunday, November 25, 2012
That Poetry Reading Series
That Poetry Reading Series continues on Wednesday, December 5, at 6:30 pm at Foster's Martini Bar, Downtown St. Joe.
We will have two featured readers: Leah Sewell and Gabriela Lemmons. When our featured readers have concluded, we will break for about five minutes and will then have an open mic for anyone who wishes to share creative work. Readers should prepare for five minutes (2-3 poems). Arrive early to sign up.
Gabriela N. Lemmons is an MFA candidate at the University of Kansas. Her work appears in the anthologies Primera Página: Poetry from the Latino Heartland, Cuentos: Stories from the Latino Heartland, NewBorder: Contemporary Voices from the Texas/Mexico Border, Blue Island Review, and other diverse publications. She is a founding member and current president of the Latino Writers Collective. A native of South Texas, Gabriela is also a member of Sandra Cisneros's Macondo Workshop.
Leah Sewell is a graphic designer, magazine editor, journalist and poet. Her work has appeared in such publications as Midwestern Gothic, [PANK] and Weave Magazine. She's currently the assistant editor at Coconut Poetry and an MFA candidate at the University of Nebraska. She lives in Topeka, Kansas where she moderates the Topeka Writers Workshop.
Come one and all to hear some stirring words on a cold, winter's night.
We will have two featured readers: Leah Sewell and Gabriela Lemmons. When our featured readers have concluded, we will break for about five minutes and will then have an open mic for anyone who wishes to share creative work. Readers should prepare for five minutes (2-3 poems). Arrive early to sign up.
Gabriela N. Lemmons is an MFA candidate at the University of Kansas. Her work appears in the anthologies Primera Página: Poetry from the Latino Heartland, Cuentos: Stories from the Latino Heartland, NewBorder: Contemporary Voices from the Texas/Mexico Border, Blue Island Review, and other diverse publications. She is a founding member and current president of the Latino Writers Collective. A native of South Texas, Gabriela is also a member of Sandra Cisneros's Macondo Workshop.
Leah Sewell is a graphic designer, magazine editor, journalist and poet. Her work has appeared in such publications as Midwestern Gothic, [PANK] and Weave Magazine. She's currently the assistant editor at Coconut Poetry and an MFA candidate at the University of Nebraska. She lives in Topeka, Kansas where she moderates the Topeka Writers Workshop.
Come one and all to hear some stirring words on a cold, winter's night.
Melissa Wine Defends Portfolio
Melissa Wine (MAA candidate, Written Communication) has defended her graduate portfolio, which included an historical
analysis of a popular technical writing textbook that has been published in
eight editions. Melissa analyzed how technical writing was defined and represented in
the text over time.
Congratulations, Melissa!
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Seated L to R: Dr. Kay Siebler, Dr. Michael Charlton, Melissa, and Dr. Kaye Adkins |
Monday, November 19, 2012
Miller Defends Thesis
Kris Miller successfully defended his thesis, "Artifact Usability Analysis
Of WebCT and Moodle: Exploring the Strengths and Weaknesses from the Instructor
Perspective," on November 14, 2012. His thesis committee was Dr. Patricia
Donaher (Chair), Dr. Michael Charlton, and Dr. Cynthia Jeney. Kris will be doing
final revisions on his thesis this spring while he finishes up his MAS in
Technical Communication.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Spanish Faculty Host "Dia de los Muertos" and Immersion Day
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Prairie Lands Writing Project Secures Major Grant
Prairie Lands Writing Project was one of only ten writing project sites selected to receive a major grant from the National Writing Project for work with high-need rural schools. The work begins in January 2013 with
a $10,000 grant to cover planning and travel to national meetings between
January and July.
PLWP will provide in-school professional development (writing,
especially non-fiction and argumentative to meet Common Core Standards) for
language arts and content-area teachers, grades 7 - 10, at three rural schools
in 2013-2014, 2014-2105, and 2015-2016. PLWP will receive $75,000 - $100,000 during each of the next three years to
complete this work.
Jane Frick, Professor Emerita of English and past director of PLWP, will serve as the project manager for the grant. She and Tom Pankiewicz, Interim Director of PLWP, will meet this winter to discuss sites for the study.
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Jane Frick, Grant Manager |
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Tom Pankiewicz, Interim Director of PLWP |
Congratulations to Jane, Tom, and PLWP!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Angela Bush--Teaching and Writing
Angela Bush, 1996 alumna in Technical Communications, has landed a job teaching high school in the Winston R-VI school district. Angela will also be completing her capstone project as part of her Master of Applied Arts in Written Communication this spring.
Drop Angela a line in order to congratulate her, catch up, or request that she settle that cribbage debt now that she has a highly lucrative teaching gig.
Congratulations, Angela!
Drop Angela a line in order to congratulate her, catch up, or request that she settle that cribbage debt now that she has a highly lucrative teaching gig.
Congratulations, Angela!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
A Night at Foster's
There were ten readers whose work ranged from spoken word to more traditional poetry, and the crowd was treated to the juxtaposition of rants right next to humorous pieces.
We hope for continued variety as Mary sets up future events. A big thanks to her for organizing the event!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
October Activities and Accomplishments
Susie Hennessy attended the
Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium in Raleigh, NC, where she chaired
a session entitled “Devouring Mother.” Hennessy presented her paper:
"Bonne à Croquer: Food as Fetish and the Female Body" as part of the
Dr. Hennessy also participated in the
development of benchmarks and standards for French for the Defense Language
Institute language assessments. French is now considered a strategic language
for military and diplomatic purposes. The exams are used to measure the
language capabilities of government employees and those in military service.
Lastly, a tired Susie
Hennessy attended the annual meeting
of the Missouri Consortium for Foreign Languages in St. Louis. Missouri Western
is one of five partners working in collaboration to offer French and German
courses via distance education.
Cadden published the essay “All is well: The Epilogue in Children’s Fantasy
Fiction” in the peer-reviewed journal Narrative.
Tom Pankiewicz, Prairie Lands
Writing Project director, facilitated a holistic scoring session for the Platte
County High School English Department on October 8. In the session, teachers
analyzed student writing, using a recently-released Smarter Balanced rubric.
Missouri is one of the states affiliated with the Smarter Balanced Assessment
Consortium and will begin using the Smarter Balanced-developed Common Core
State Standards Assessment in 2014.
Prairie Lands Writing Project Teacher Consultants,
Christie Leigan and Heidi Mick presented workshops on non-fiction reading and
writing and their emphasis in the Common Core State Standards to the teachers
of the Mid-Buchanan School District in Faucett, Missouri on October 25. Leigan,
a St. Joseph School District Instructional Coach, presented to K-6 teachers
while Mick, a Platte County High School Communication Arts instructor, worked
with teachers in all 7-12 content areas.
Prairie Lands Writing Project hosted the eleventh
annual When Writing Teachers Write
forum at Missouri Western on October 17. Amanda Moyers, a Central High School
Communication Arts teacher and a Prairie Lands Teacher Consultant, hosted the
event which featured the writing of the following area educators: Kyla Ward,
Central High School; Brandon Haskey, Central High School; Pasty Brost, Missouri
Western and Savannah High School; Dasha Davis, Savannah High School; Bill
Church, Missouri Western; Joyce Stohr, Robidoux Middle School; Joe Marmaud,
Missouri Western; Mary Stone-Dockery, Missouri Western; Melissa Robinson,
Cameron Middle School; and Amanda Moyers, Central High School.
Prairie Lands Writing Project, sponsor of the
Missouri Region of the Scholastic Writing Awards Contest, presented a Writing
Fiction Workshop for high school students and teachers on October 11. Dr. Bill
Church, Missouri Western English professor facilitated the workshop. Church
examined a Gold Medal-winning story and led a writing activity. The workshop
ended with a series of small group sessions during which students read and
discussed their writing. Tom Pankiewicz,
Prairie Lands director and regional coordinator, Amanda Moyers, Central High
School Communication Arts teacher and associate coordinator for the Missouri
Region, Eric Williams, Missouri Western English Education major and PLWP
student assistant, and Rachel Stancliff, Missouri Western Technical Communication
graduate student and PLWP web facilitator planned this event.
Terri McAvoy, Prairie Lands Teacher Consultant and
retired St. Joseph School District elementary teacher, led a two-day
Professional Development event at Pershing Middle School on October 9 and 10.
Prairie Lands Writing Project and Pershing Elementary School are one of
fourteen National Writing Project sites and twenty-two elementary schools
awarded Title II SEED grants “Evaluating the Impact of Professional Development
to Meet Challenging Writing Standards in High-Need Elementary Schools.” This
project is being independently evaluated by SRI International.
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