Thank you, Morale & Motivation, for organizing a cookie exchange on the last day of classes. The sugar will come in handy during finals week! Folks came by for sweets but they stayed for a little sweetie: two-month-old Arlo made a guest appearance. Never before has such cooing been heard in the department library. Thanks, Marianne, for sharing him.
Welcome to the Department of English & Modern Languages at Missouri Western State University.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Publications, poetry, prizes and the press
Miguel River’s article “Recuperación de la ciudad y
de la fiesta en Antonio José Ponte” was published in Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana.

Mike Cadden presented “Peritextual Elements in Children’s Chapter Books” at the fall meeting of the Northwest Missouri Council of the International Literacy Association in St. Joseph.

In the
Liz Canon
was recently asked “Why is elder a good word, but elderly a bad word?” Her reply will appear in the Venice Gondolier Sun newspaper. Here it
is, for your erudition:
Liz: Tell
me about the process through which the connotation of some words changes.
Pejoration is what
linguists call the process by which a word’s meaning
becomes less positive. This is something that happens quite a
bit in language. For instance, the word,lewd, originally had the meaning of
"layperson." It moved a bit toward "ignorant," and then
"common," and then "obscene." Over time, the positive
nature of the word eroded and it went from something you wouldn't mind being
called to something you definitely would not want to be called.
Does the
process require individuals in a society to undergo personal, long-term change
in their thought process about a certain word? Or does it happen more quickly
than that?
The speed at which the
change occurs will happen based on attitudes of the speakers toward what they
are talking about. It really all comes down to frequency and usage - if the
term is used often by a lot of people, the change may occur more quickly. If
the word is fairly obscure, the change will probably happen more slowly. Human
events can cause a rapid shift in meaning. The word, swastika, was a
Sanskrit word that meant "well-being," but human events very quickly
change the meaning of the word. The Oxford English Dictionary dates its first
English usage in 1871 - and at that time it had no negative connotations. But
usage by the Nazis changed the meaning of the word. It no longer has the
meaning of well-being, but now means the symbol on the Nazi flag - something
far more negative.
Does the
media play a role? Current events?
The media can play a
role. Input in general plays a role. In other words, the more we hear a word
used in a particular way, the more likely we are to admit that it no longer
means what it used to and we have to adjust. Consider the word "gay."
Our grandparents used it to mean "happy." But it is now used even by
our grandparents to mean "homosexual." I can't think of a context
where it is still used to mean happy.
I believe the current
events part of the question was answered above.
was happening long before political correctness, but has PC sped up the process
for some words?
Not exactly. The sad
thing is that focusing on language usage and not addressing the underlying
attitudes that affect the usage of particular words just perpetuates the cycle.
Consider the notion of replacing "housewife" with "domestic
engineer." Does anyone really think that that will elevate the status of a
person who works only in the home? Consider also the word "retarded,"
which was regularly used to identify a person with a learning disability of
some sort - a person whose learning was delayed. In other words, it had a
concrete, object meaning with no negative connotation in and of itself.
Ultimately, it was used as an insult to describe people without any sort of
learning disability, and "retarded" became a victim of pejoration. So
in order to avoid causing offense we began to call people with learning
disabilities "special." And then the cycle repeats. The underlying
attitude toward those who fall in the category described by that word has not
changed and so every substitution you make will likely suffer the same fate as
"retarded" did.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Fall Faculty and Student Accomplishments
Susan Martens’
chapter, “Move the Writer, Move the Pen, Move the Mind, Change the World:
Writing Marathons for Place-Conscious Teaching in Suburbia” was recently
published in the edited collection Writing Suburban Citizenship:
Place-Conscious Teaching and the Conundrum of Suburbia by Syracuse
University Press.
Mary Stone’s third collection of poetry,
tentatively titled Deficiency,
has been accepted by ELJ Publications.
Cynthia Bartels
attended the Oral History Association meeting in Tampa.
Liz Canon presented "Buried Treasure: What
makes the Tyndale corpus different," at the Tyndale Society
Conference, Hertford College, Oxford University.
Claudine Evans participated in the Greater Kansas City Chapter of the American
Association of Teachers of French (AATF) meeting held in Kansas City.
Bartels received a compass award from Alpha Chi for most influential teacher.
On October 3, the
Prairie Lands Writing Project held its Teacher Consultant Gathering at MWSU,
hosted by Advisory Team members Dawn Terrick (MWSU), Heidi Mick (Platte
County), Valorie Stokes (Platte County), Amy Miller (MWSU), Christie Jackson
(Carden Park, SJSD), Mya Ezzell (Parkhill), Josie Clark (Bode Middle School,
SJSD), and Susan Martens (MWSU). At this event, eight scholars from the PLWP
2015 Invitational Summer Institute were certified as National Writing Project
Teacher Consultants. Congratulations to the following:
Quinn Whitaker (Indianola, IA)
Brandi Atha (Savannah)
Roxanne Chase (MWSU)
Stephanie Haenni (Central High School, SJSD)
Tess Kram (Central High School, SJSD)
Daniels (Lathrop)
Duddy (Osborn)
David Stroud (Union Star)
Student Excellence
EML would like to congratulate Jess Voelk. Jess is a senior majoring in English with a
Technical Communication concentration and is scheduled to graduate in December. She recently earned a “Polished” score on her
senior portfolio, which is a collection of documents created during her work at
Missouri Western. This is the highest rank possible for a portfolio student. Her evaluator was Dawn Armfield, an assistant
professor at Frostburg State University. Dr. Armfield described documents in Jess’s portfolio as “exemplary,”
“well developed,” and showing proficiency in multiple areas of technical
communication, from report and research writing to visual design. Ms. Voelk is currently looking for jobs in
technical communication.
The second edition of the Study
Abroad and Exchange Photo Contest garnered talented photographers. The
pictures, currently on display at Blum Union, were taken in Costa Rica,
France, and Ireland. Jury members were Rebbeca Foley, Laura Taylor and Miguel
Rivera-Taupier. For more information, visit https://www.missouriwestern. edu/photocontest/.
Nature & Architecture: 1st place Miranda Migletz, 2nd place Rosie Lammoglia, 3rd place Mallory Prygon
People & Culture: 1st place Chloe Martin, 2nd place Mallory Prygon, 3rd place Chloe Martin
Griffon Wings: 1st and 2nd place Rosie Lammoglia, 3rd place Lanie Barnfield
Nature & Architecture: 1st place Miranda Migletz, 2nd place Rosie Lammoglia, 3rd place Mallory Prygon
People & Culture: 1st place Chloe Martin, 2nd place Mallory Prygon, 3rd place Chloe Martin
Griffon Wings: 1st and 2nd place Rosie Lammoglia, 3rd place Lanie Barnfield
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Standing in solidarity with France at the International Fair

Students in Action
“Voices of English 100”
This semester, Fall 2015, in ENG 100 –
Introduction to College Writing, students conducted interviews with family
members and friends in order to learn about and accurately and vividly depict
their “real” stories. Through these interviews, students gained new
perspectives on others’ life journeys, their struggles and tragedies as well as
their successes and joys. Through this process, students also
learned about themselves. We hope you carefully listen to the
“voices of English 100.” Here are some of the interview subjects’
own words and photographs. Special thanks
to Amy Miller for her technological prowess in setting this up.
![]() |
El Dìa de los Muertos
As in previous years, the Spanish Club organized a celebration of the Day of the Dead. Students met in Spratt Hall to paint skulls, drink horchata, and hear presentations by professors Eduardo Castilla, Ana Bausset, and Miguel Rivera about the past and present of this Hispanic celebration. There were shrines, music, and, just maybe, some invisible visitors.
Bon appétit!

Sunday, November 15, 2015
A Fond Farewell for Dr. Betty Sawin

Dr. Elizabeth Latosi-Sawin graced the classrooms of Western for forty years. Her
accomplishments as a teacher, researcher and writer are more than an
accumulation of awards, however. Yes, she won the Jesse Lee Myers award, the
Alumni Award for Distinguished Faculty, the Governor’s Award for Excellence in
Teaching, Distinguished Professor of English, and countless other accolades, but Dr. Sawin is more than the sum of her awards.
Most importantly, Betty deserves our gratitude for introducing interdisciplinarity to her colleagues. As Leah Spratt Chair for Writing Across the Curriculum, Betty opened our eyes to the wonders of using writing to aid learning and foster critical thinking in over 20 disciplines. She showed us how to use writing to teach critical thinking long before this became a catchphrase for effective pedagogy. In addition to making us better practitioners, her WAC workshops invited us to collaborate with our colleagues and find pleasure in professional growth.
Those who joined Betty
in Outdoor Semester also understand the impact of interdisciplinary learning.
By designing programs that combined physical education, geography, psychology,
and music, Betty led students (and faculty) on a veritable odyssey of discovery
as they traveled across the American West, journals in hand, hiking, camping,
meditating in sweat lodges and canoeing the upper Missouri River.
interdisciplinary hat worn by Betty was that of the Honors Program Director.
Although she never said it was like herding cats, the challenges of wrangling
such a diverse group of students and interests could not have been easy.
Nonetheless, we can measure her effectiveness by the dramatic growth of
participation in Alpha Chi and the trees that were planted on our campus as a
token of the group’s appreciation.
No doubt the majority
of students will remember Dr. Sawin in the classroom, where she taught
composition and rhetoric, Native American literature, English literature from Beowulf to the 20th century,
and every genre from poetry to creative non-fiction. Many have described her as passionate, honest
and caring. Many have said: “One of the best teachers that I have ever had.”
She was met by comments like “your strength is your heart” and “I think
know you are the best teacher I have ever had.” One student remarked that “she has taught the things that are important
for our lives while teaching us about literature.”
interdisciplinary theme stems from Betty’s passion for the planet. She has
always seen the connections between what we say, how we live, and how those
things affect our world. We are grateful for all she has done. We wish her a long and happy retirement.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Autumn Awards
Retired English professor and former chair Dr. Ken Rosenauer received the Outstanding Alumnus Award from the Missouri Western Alumni Association during Homecoming weekend. Congratulations, Ken!

Erica Cook, BSE English and French major, is the first recipient of the Future Foreign Language Teacher Scholarship. The scholarship was created to support future teachers of a foreign language during a semester abroad. Erica will study at the Université d'Angers in Angers, France during the spring 2016 semester. We look forward to her reports on life at a French university.
Retired English professor and former chair Dr. Ken Rosenauer received the Outstanding Alumnus Award from the Missouri Western Alumni Association during Homecoming weekend. Congratulations, Ken!

Erica Cook, BSE English and French major, is the first recipient of the Future Foreign Language Teacher Scholarship. The scholarship was created to support future teachers of a foreign language during a semester abroad. Erica will study at the Université d'Angers in Angers, France during the spring 2016 semester. We look forward to her reports on life at a French university.
Friday, October 23, 2015
October News
Mary Stone performed her own poetry at The Writer's Place in
Kansas City, along with Marianne Kunkel, as part of their reading series.
poem "I Can't Stop Writing About Men" was published in Word Riot - Two of her poems, "When the Doctor
Finally Prescribes Lithium" and "Perhaps Too Many Poems End with
Hangovers" were published in the I-70
Mike Kelley successfully defended his thesis entitled Quick Start Guides and Tabletop
Role-Playing Games: Lessons Learned for Technical Writers on Tuesday, October 13th. Mr.
Kelley's thesis involved studying how users learn the rules of games and how
this information can be used in technical communication. He is currently
teaching English and other subjects at Highland Community College and
previously worked as a composition instructor for Missouri Western. Mr.
Kelley should graduate with his MAA in Written Communication in December.
His committee: Dr. Michael Charlton, Dr. Kaye Adkins, and James
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Banned Books and Pop Culture in the Classroom
Ms. Angela Claywell • Drama by Raina Telgemeier
Dr. Michael Charlton • A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
Dr. Douglas Davenport • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Ms. Shelley Nordquist • The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Ms. Emily Wearing • The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Ms. Kelly Lock-McMillen • Cut by Patricia McCormick
Ms. Sarah McCumber • Harry Potter by J. K. RowlingMs. Tess Kram • The Prince by Machiavelli
On Tuesday, Sept. 29, EML faculty gathered for the Morale &
Motivation Committee's quarterly brown bag session, this time focusing on
"Engaging Students with Contemporary Themes." Panelists Michael
Charlton, Paul Dijkzeul, and Dawn Terrick shared fascinating and useful advice
for incorporating pop culture references into the EML classroom. Topics ranged
from using graphic novels in class, to thinking philosophically as teachers
about escaping our cultural "bubbles," to inviting students to bring
in contemporary applications of traditional texts. A lively Q&A session
followed, with many great ideas and challenging questions. Thank you to all who
attended--and a big thank you to Michael, Paul, and Dawn!

Sunday, September 27, 2015
Student Fair on Founder's Day
On Saturday, September 26th English and Modern Languages participated
in the student fair during Founder's Day. Kaye Adkins, Michael
Charlton, Marianne Kunkel, and Miguel Rivera-Taupier were on hand to
discuss majors with prospective students for next fall.

Chris Pankiewicz, a senior English major and current managing editor for the
Mochila Review, and Rachel Stancliff, a graduate of the MAA program in
Technical Communication, werealso on hand to talk with visitors.
in the student fair during Founder's Day. Kaye Adkins, Michael
Charlton, Marianne Kunkel, and Miguel Rivera-Taupier were on hand to
discuss majors with prospective students for next fall.

Mochila Review, and Rachel Stancliff, a graduate of the MAA program in
Technical Communication, werealso on hand to talk with visitors.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Monday, September 21, 2015
Institutes and Symposia, Oh My!
Marianne Kunkel attended the North
American Review Bicentennial Creative Writing and Literature
Conference in Cedar Falls, Iowa June 11-13. She presented on four panels, two
of which also featured Mary Stone: "Writing the Hard Thing: A Reading by Three Women Authors
(Poetry and Creative Nonfiction)" and "Writing the Hard Thing: Advice for
Creative Writers with Ambitious Subjects."
Joining Marianne on two other panels were Mochila and Canvas undergraduate staff
members Crystal Crawford, Lindsey Lucas, and Chris
Pankiewicz. These panels were titled: "The Beat of the Drum: Drumming up
Campus-wide Interest in a University Literary Journal" and "How
a Literary Journal can Catch up
and Stay Ahead in a Digital World."

Kaye Adkins was selected to participate in
the iFixit Technical Writing Symposium that met at iFixit's international
headquarters at San Luis Obispo, California, May 21-23. The symposium, offered
by iFixit's education department, supports technical writing instructors who
want to include real-world documentation in their classes. Dr. Adkins will be
using the materials in her Introduction to Technical Communication and
Technical Documentation classes, as students create repair manuals that will be
published on iFixit's web site.
Martens gave a presentation titled "Adapting Ecocritical Approaches to
Mapping Techniques in the Writing Marathon" at the Biennial
Conference of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment at
the University of Idaho on June 24th.
Canon served as abstract reviewer for the national conference of the Linguistic
Society of America.
Kunkel served as guest judge of The Northridge Review's annual Rachel
Sherwood Poetry Award, selecting from the literary journal's 2015 issues a
winning poem and runner-up. The Northridge Review is based out
of California State University-Northridge.
Martens served as Adjunct Retreat Leader at the New Orleans Writing Marathon
Retreat, hosted by the Southeastern Louisiana Writing Project and Southeastern
Louisiana University on July 13-17.
to Dawn Terrick, who received the annual Chairpersons Award for the College of
Liberal Arts & Sciences.
Jenéy published "Horses and Equitation" for the Handbook of Medieval Culture, edited by
Albrecht Classen and published in Berlin with de Gruyter Publishers.
Prairie Lands Writing Project's work in the National Writing Project’s College
Ready Writers Program has entered its third year. Funded through an i3
(Investing in Innovation) grant, the program this year involves several Teacher
Consultants working in new partnerships with administrators and teachers in the
Osborn, Trenton, and Winston school districts as well as in sustainability
partnerships with districts in Braymer, Breckenridge, and Hamilton. This
work is being coordinated by Program Manager Jane Frick, Lead Facilitators Tom
Pankiewicz and Kathy Miller, and professional development leaders Amy Miller,
Janet Jelavich, Terry McAvoy, Maridella Carter, and Valorie Stokes.
Spoken Word
Thursday Open Mic at Café Acoustic kicked off on September 3rd with a
potluck that This monthly event is organized by Mary Dockery.
Writers Place Reading Series at UMKC featured Marianne Kunkel and Mary Dockery
reading their poetry on September 18th.
The Prairie Lands
Writing Project hosted the Summer Writing Project for the Saint Joseph School
District May 19- June 11. Approximately 130 students in grades 3-8
attended daily sessions at MWSU and gave readings to family and friends on the
final day of the program, coordinated by PLWP Co-Director Mya Ezzell and
Graduate Assistant Josie Clark.
Monday, September 7, 2015
Breaking News!
They have arrived!
Sawin and husband Fred are grandparents to Addison Marie (6 lbs 7 oz) and
Kelson William (6 lbs 13 oz), both born on August 31st to the Sawins’ daughter,
Jennifer. Both grandparents are already helping out, rocking the twins and
sometimes changing tiny little diapers.
Distinguished Alumni Award

his accomplishments, Ken created the convergent media degree. He was a founding
member of the AIM graduate faculty, leading that group for a time. He was EFLJ
chair for six years, he was newspaper adviser for 14 years and yearbook adviser
for 3 years.
has been honored with the Mehl award for scholarship and was national president
of the College Media Advisers organization. Ken is a recipient of the Golden
Key award from Columbia U. and is in the College Media Advisers Hall of Fame.
He also won the Scanlon service award (his list of community activities is
impressive, not least of which is being president of the Apple Blossom parade
since 2000 and serving on the Savannah school board. Ken even served as mayor
of Savannah from 87-91. As a MWSU
alumnus and former faculty member, his accomplishments are emblematic of
dedication to the discipline and service on many levels. Congratulations, Ken!
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