Thursday, February 6, 2014

January Activities

January Activities by EML Faculty and Students


 Ana Bausset-Page, Assistant Professor of Spanish, attended the 12th Annual Conference on Arts & Humanities in Honolulu, Hawaii where she read her paper "Holograms in three short stories of Borges, Cortazar and Poniatowska" which was Published in the Conference Proceedings

Stacia Bensyl, Professor of English, presented her paper "Kawabata in Kansai: Discovering Kyoto through The Old Capital" at the 20th Anniversary Conference of the Japan Studies Association. 


Kara Bollinger, Instructor of English, published three poems The Chariton Review: "Translations at Profsoyuznaya," "after Russian class," and "on love and language." Volume 36, Number 2.

Mary Dockery, Instructor of English, published a poem, “So I Say Find Her Then,” in the online journal Red Paint Hill. Her story “Mother” was published in Midwestern Gothic, a quarterly print literary journal.

Cynthia Jenéy, Associate Professor of English, published her poem "Swelter" in Stone Highway Review. 3.2 (2014): 26. Print.

Elizabeth Latosi-Sawin and Dr. Russell Phillips (University of Pittsburg at Greensburg) published an article in the Journal of Applied Learning in Higher Education entitled "An Exploratory Study of Student Development in an Outdoor Higher Education Program."  The article explores the personal and academic development among Missouri Western students who participated in MWSU's theme-based, multi-disciplinary, study away Outdoor Semester.

Student/Community Involvement/Successes

Prairie Lands Writing Project processed 700 entries for the Missouri Writing Region of the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.  Winners from around the state will be honored on Feb. 28 at the annual Write to Learn Conference at Lake of the Ozarks.  Each of the entries was scored twice in a blind adjudication in mid-January. Contest jurors from MWSU include  Dana Andrews, Kara Bollinger, Patsy Brost, James Carviou, Michael Charlton, Mary Dockery, Steve Frogge, Meredith Katchen, Joe Marmaud, Susan Martens, Tom Pankiewicz, and Roger Swafford; jurors from area schools include Mark Henderson (Savannah), Janet Jelavich (Maryville, retired), Amy Miller (Benton High School, St. Joseph), and Eric Williams (Polo). A second round of adjudication, judging the highest rated works, was held at the University of Missouri-Columbia on January 25.  Program coordinator Tom Pankiewicz (MWSU) and program assistants Josie Clark (Bode Middle School, St. Joseph) and Amanda Moyers (Central High School, St. Joseph) also served as jurors.

Prairie Lands Writing Project’s work with teachers in the College Ready Writers Program (CRWP) funded by PLWP’s i3 grant continued in January with several model lessons and other sessions at Braymer, Hamilton, and Breckenridge.  On January 10th, several teachers and administrators from these schools came to MWSU for a one-day workshop on scoring student writing, led by PLWP Principal Investigator Jane Frick (MWSU, retired), Co-Directors Heidi Mick (Platte County)  and Tom Pankiewicz, Director Susan Martens, and Teacher Consultants Valorie Stokes (Platte County), Kathy Miller (Weston), Maridella Carter (Blue Springs), Janet Jelavich, and Amy Miller. 

On January 23, a cadre of teachers from Pickett Elementary in St. Joseph also met at MWSU for a one day workshop on scoring student writing, led by PLWP Teacher Consultant Terri McAvoy (St. Joseph, retired) as part of the SEED 2 Professional Development in High-Needs Schools grant.

 Tom Pankiewicz, Jane Frick, Kathy Miller, and Susan Martens accompanied several teacher leaders from our i3 schools to Atlanta for a Mid-Year Check-In meeting of CRWP teams from across the country on Jan. 31-Feb.2. These i3 teachers included Traci Schieber (Hamilton), Allison Ford (Hamilton), Terrance Sanders (Braymer), and Linda Gaines (Breckenridge). 


Susan Martens, Assistant Professor of English, has been awarded Honorable Mention in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Folsom Distinguished Dissertation Award competition. Her dissertation is entitled  Writing into the World: Writing Marathons for Teaching Writing, Place, and Advocacy.

April Buntin, Spanish major and president of the Spanish Club, won the MLK Majors Drum Award.

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