Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dr. Hennessy is the new EML Chairperson

After seven years as chairperson of EFLJ and briefly EML, Dr. Mike Cadden steps down from the post and returns to honest work as a full-time professor of English. Succeeding him officially on July 1, 2014 is Dr. Susie Hennessy, Professor of French and long-time Foreign Language Coordinator for the department. Dr. Hennessy is the first foreign language professor to chair the department, though she is the third consecutive racquetball player to hold the job. Take note, future chair candidates.

Cadden and Hennessy
Dr. Hennessy is a recent winner of the Alumni Association Distinguished Faculty Award as well as a recipient of the Jesse Lee Myers Excellence in Teaching award. Dr. Hennessy is also Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes Académique (Knight of the Order of Academic Palms). She is the author of the book The Mother Figure in Emile Zola’s Les Rougon-Macquart: Literary Realism and the Quest for the Ideal Mother (Mellen Press).
She promises not to rename the department “French and Other Languages”—at least not right away.
We wish Dr. Hennessy good luck and hope that people will leave her alone for at least a couple of months while she figures out what happens on the English side of Eder. Bonne chance, Madam Chair!

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