Friday, April 23, 2010

4th Annual ENG 100 Reading Celebrates Student Writing

The annual reception to celebrate the ENG 100 student publication, Discovering the Student, Discovering the Self, was held on Wednesday, April 2. At the reception, students were awarded prizes, certificates and copies of the book and also shared excerpts from their winning essays. Students and their families and friends, faculty, staff and administrators were all in attendance and had the opportunity to hear inspiring, eloquent and moving stories.

The student essays reflected the struggle and the joy, the hard work and the rewards that these students have experienced both in their lives and in the classroom. Furthermore, these essays reflected the diversity of our English 100 students and the uniqueness of this course. It truly was an afternoon of celebration!

If you wish to read the essays, go to and as you read, we hope that you will discover the same things that the students have discovered: during their first semester in college they are discovering themselves, realizing that they are part of many communities and defining themselves as individuals, students, scholars and citizens.

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