Monday, December 3, 2018

Cerner Visits EML

Shawn Mitchell stands before the
picture of Bart German 
Two technical writers from Cerner, Bobby Stow and Shawn Mitchell, visited technical communication classes and talked to students about careers in technical communication, especially with Cerner. During their November 28 visit, Bobby and Shawn talked to Dr. Cools' ETC 200 Technical Communication class and Dr. Adkins' ETC 421 Technical Communication Research and Practice class. The department hosted a lunch for them that included faculty from other departments, Dean Nabors, and Provost Davenport. 
Cerner is a major employer of graduates of the English/Technical Communication program. Bart German (BA English/Technical Communication 2001) was the first Missouri Western technical communication student hired by Cerner, and he has paved the way for many others. Bart is still working at Cerner, and Shawn and Bobby were delighted to see Bart's picture in the hallway.
We look forward to building  our partnership with Cerner with opportunities for career shadowing and networking. 

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